Draft Decree Detailing and Guiding the Implementation of Certain Provisions of the Road Law No. 35/2024/QH15

Nội dung bài viết

On August 28, 2024, the Ministry of Transport is drafting a Decree detailing and guiding the implementation of certain provisions of the Road Law 2024.

The draft Decree covers: Road infrastructure planning;  Road data database management; Classification of roads by management level; Naming, renaming, and road numbering; Land for road protection and maintenance; Road safety corridors; Overhead and underground protection zones for roads; Construction and installation of advertising signs, political propaganda signs within road infrastructure protection zones

Key Proposed Regulations:

*Classification of Roads by Management Level

- Roads classified by management level are stipulated in Article 8 of the Road Law 2024.

- National roads managed by provincial People's Committees, as per Clause 4, Article 8 of the Road Law 2024, will remain national roads if they are:

+ National roads passing through special urban areas

+ National roads when reclassified

+ National roads assigned by the Prime Minister based on provincial People's Committees' proposals to meet socio-economic development needs, national interests, defense, security, and local resource allocation.

- National roads managed by provincial People's Committees will be reclassified as local roads if:

+ Investment in bypass roads replacing them is completed in accordance with road network planning

+ National roads are no longer part of the road network planning, except for those with special national defense or security requirements

+ National roads have been transferred to provincial People's Committees under the legal provisions for public asset management and use.

*Principles for Organizing Road Traffic

- Compliance with the Road Law 2024, the Road Traffic Safety and Order Law 2024, and other relevant legal regulations

- Ensuring connectivity between transport modes and road networks, maintaining road safety, and facilitating traffic participants

- Adhering to technical standards and safety requirements for traffic organization and road connectivity as prescribed by competent authorities

- Transparency, except where legal confidentiality requirements apply

*Development of Road Data Database

- Activities for establishing the Road Data Database include:

+ Ensuring technical infrastructure and information

+ Designing and organizing the database

+ Implementing, upgrading, developing, and expanding database management software systems

+ Collecting, standardizing, and entering data

+ Storing, securing, and ensuring the safety and integrity of the information, with measures to guarantee data integrity and non-repudiation

+ Training, coaching, and organizing human resources for operation, management, updates, and utilization of the database

+ Operating and adjusting the database

+ Other activities as prescribed by law

+ The design of the Road Data Database system structure must meet database standards and technical, IT, and economic-technical norms; ensure compatibility, information integration, and data field expansion capability in system and application software design; and support future expansion, upgrading, and development.


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