Draft Circular on Load Capacity and Dimensional Limits for Roads

Nội dung bài viết

The Draft Circular specifies the load capacity and dimensional limits for roads as follows:

The load capacity of a road is defined as the road's ability to withstand operational loads to ensure safe operation and the longevity of the road infrastructure. The relevant signs include: "Weight Limit for Vehicles"; "Vehicle Types Restricted from Crossing the Bridge"; and "Axle Load Limit for Bridges". The load-bearing capacity of the road is determined based on the road design documents and the actual technical condition of the road, and is published by the competent authority or indicated by the "Axle Load Limit" sign as per road signage regulations.


Notably, the draft revises the dimensional limits for roads. Specifically, it proposes a revised height limit of 5 meters for highways, and first, second, and third-class roads, and 4.5 meters for fourth-class roads and below, or as indicated by the "Height Limit" sign according to road signage regulations. Currently, the height limit is 4.75 meters for highways, and first, second, and third-class roads, and 4.5 meters for fourth-class roads and below, or indicated by the "Height Limit" sign as per existing road signage regulations.


Regarding the publication of load capacities, dimensional limits, and technical conditions of level crossings, the draft also amends and supplements the provisions related to the provincial People's Committees publishing information on load capacities and dimensional limits for roads under their management and specialized roads (including public-private partnership road projects on the national highway system where the provincial People's Committee is the competent authority) on the provincial People's Committee's electronic portal. After the provincial People's Committee publishes the load capacities and dimensional limits, the Department of Transport (the specialized agency under the provincial People's Committee) will send the data to the Vietnam Directorate for Roads to be updated on the Directorate’s electronic portal.


Concerning regulations on overweight and oversized vehicles operating on roads, the draft specifies that overweight vehicles include motor vehicles and specialized motorcycles with a total mass exceeding the permitted mass as stipulated in this circular or exceeding the road’s load capacity limits. 


Additionally, the draft continues to specify regulations on super-heavy and oversized cargo, limits on cargo loading on road vehicles when participating in road traffic, and the issuance of permits for overweight and oversized vehicles and transportation of super-heavy and oversized cargo.



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