Corporate Income Tax Policy

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On June 3, 2024, the General Department of Taxation issued Official Dispatch No. 2328/TCT-CS regarding corporate income tax policy.

Based on Clause 2, Article 19 of Decree No. 218/2013/NĐ-CP dated December 26, 2013, by the Government detailing and guiding the implementation of the Law on Corporate Income Tax; Clause 1, Article 18 and Clauses 2 and 3, Article 19 of Decree No. 46/2014/NĐ-CP dated May 15, 2014, by the Government; Clause 1, Article 12 of Circular No. 77/2014/TT-BTC dated June 16, 2014, by the Ministry of Finance, which provides specific regulations on exemptions for land and water surface rent; Clause 1 and Point a, Clause 5, Article 15 of the Investment Law No. 61/2020/QH14 dated June 17, 2020:

- Corporate Income Tax Policy: In principle, income derived from mineral exploitation activities is not eligible for corporate income tax incentives.

- Land Rent Incentive Policy: The current land legislation stipulates land rent incentive policies for investment projects, which are determined based on each approved investment project and are associated with new land leases, as evaluated and approved in accordance with legal regulations.


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