Administrative Procedures Newly Issued in the Maritime Sector within the Management Scope of the Ministry of Transport

Nội dung bài viết

On June 14, 2024, the Ministry of Transport issued Decision No. 732/QĐ-BGTVT announcing the administrative procedures that are newly issued, amended, supplemented, and abolished in the maritime sector within the management scope of the Ministry of Transport.


The administrative procedures newly issued, amended, supplemented, and abolished in the maritime sector within the management scope of the Ministry of Transport are announced along with this Decision.

List of newly issued administrative procedures within the management scope of the Ministry of Transport: 1) Central Level: Approval of proposals for dredging national maritime and inland waterways. 2)Provincial Level:Approval of proposals for dredging local inland waterways;  Announcement of areas and locations for receiving dredged material onshore.


List of amended and supplemented administrative procedures within the management scope of the Ministry of Transport: Approval of areas and locations for receiving dredged material onshore and disposal at sea.


List of abolished administrative procedures within the management scope of the Ministry of Transport: Approval of traffic safety assurance plans for dredging activities in port waters and inland waterway areas.


The specific content of each administrative procedure is detailed in the annex of this Decision.


This Decision takes effect from July 5, 2024.



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